Monday, April 16, 2012

Weekly Update

hello there how do ya do?

Well this week flew by actually. We had a blitz with our district leader and his companion on Wednesday and it felt good to switch up comps for a little bit.( A blitz is when there are four or more missionaries working in one proselyting area at the same time). It has just been Clawson and I all transfer and it can start to drag on if there aren't a few changes in the road. We also had a zone conference on Thursday it was good. They spoke a lot on keeping your places clean and how we are in charge of our own environment. Also to have that change of heart that needs to take place while you're out here or anywhere for that matter and just get lost in the work so to say. And Saturday was the big day and Jacob was baptized. And I was the one who had to privileged of performing the baptism. It was an Awesome experience and the first person that I have ever baptized personally but I look forward to more in the future for sure. Now we need to get back out there and find our next baptism. Transfer calls do come this Saturday so that should be interesting to see what happens, who will stay and who will go. Sounds like everyone is doing well and Go Dodgers!!! Kemp is my boy. I wear my dodgers shirt to bed every night ha. The one thing you might be missing from that package is a few of the scentsy scent packs I have ran out. Other than that I'm not really sure of anything else Don't want too much at the moment in case I need to pack next week. Well let me know if there is anything that I can do for ya. Love ya Bye

Elder Moorhouse

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